Photographer Charity Feb in her Camas portrait studio Portraits of Connection, backlit against sunlit windows, a soft box lighting the front side of her face.

My name is Charity Feb. I am a portrait photographer and writer creating in my home studio in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

In my career, I’ve been privileged to tell visual stories for couples, families and entrepreneurs, often against the backdrops of our verdurous PNW forests and lakes. But my own in-studio self-portrait practice has lit a fire in me. Now I’m opening my Covid-cautious portrait studio to help other people see themselves anew, love themselves anew, too. Just me, with patience, intent, and creativity. And you, with an open heart.

I’m a Canon girl, still creating portraiture with my original 5Ds. Editing in Lightroom with a gentle hand, I tend to soften fleeting blemishes, but take pride in battle scars. I’ve been photographing portraits since I was a kiddo communing with animals in zoos, heart breaking behind my Kodak Ektra 1. Early influences include the street and daily life photography of National Geographic, stark portraits of Margaret Bourke-White, and social justice journalism focus of Donna Ferrato. I love the composition in movies like West Side Story, the lens flare in all the Star Treks, and the use of light play and color in our growing collection of Kpop album photo books.

A Gallery of Past Work